Stress and fatigue policy

Stress and fatigue can reduce reaction times and thereby compromise the ability of a person to work safely. Austonia Trades P/L has developed this policy to provide a healthy and safe workplace for workers, contractors, and visitors. This policy outlines the rules, responsibilities and procedures for Stress and Fatigue.
This policy applies across the organisation of Austonia Trades P/L and all workplaces under our control.
- Workers must notify their PCBU/Supervisor if they feel excessively fatigued and their ability to work safely may be affected.
- Workers are encouraged to talk to their PCBU/Supervisors if they feel their ability to work safely is impaired by stress due to work or personal matters.
PCBU/Supervisors must:
- Implement and review this policy.
- Consult with workers about the effects of stress and fatigue in the workplace and this policy.
- Provide resources, information, training, and supervision for all workers to allow them to adhere to the rules and have the knowledge and resources to follow the procedures and understand their roles and responsibilities.
- Assess the nature and scale of workplace risks to health and make sure there are adequate control measures in place.
- Ascertain the requirement for external assistance and offer guidance in contacting an Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
- Deal with conflict in the workplace.
- Monitor and review stress and fatigue in the workplace.
- Adjust and monitor exposure to hazards during extended working hours.
- Provide training on fatigue and stress management and
- Modify work methods as needed to reduce stress-causing hazards.
Workers must:
- Comply with the rules of this policy;
- Notify their PCBU/Supervisor if they are experiencing any heightened level of stress or fatigue, and
- Report all accidents and near misses.